Friday, November 25, 2005


Sara Kate, Nicci and Catherine have been working on a WWOOF farm near Granada Spain, are leaving for Morocco today, Friday. SK wrote this Thurdsay. WWOOF is the WorldWide Organization of Organic Farms.

Hi there,

We haven't served Thanksgiving our dinner yet. We'll have it when Scott and Bill get home tonight. We're going to dress up as pilgirms and Indians and teach them about the origins of the holiday. I taught Nicci to make sweet tater casserole last night. :-)

Alan sounds lovely, I bet his hair is longer than mine. Here’s another picture of mine.

I do like Rufus Wainwright. Carra likes him very much. Have you heard his song Hallelujah? It sends chills down my spine.

yes, we are planning to stay in Morocco til the end. We'll be coming back to Spain on the 18th or so. The itinerary we're thinking of is Essouaira, Marrakesh, Merzouga, Chef-Chouen, although that could change. I'll let you know all the details I have as I find them out.


1 comment:

  1. hey, i'm interested in working on a wwoof farm in granada as well, could you send me a homepagelink, an emailaddress or a phonenumber of the place you wwoofed on?!
    thanks a lot, Felix (
